2 Covenants



1.    Basic problem of many in religion -  all of the Bible inspired but not all applicable!

a.     Some to certain peoples - Noah, Abraham, Israel & law.

b.    2 covenants --

2.    Many passages so teach: -  clearest is Jer. 31:31-34 / Heb. 8:

A.    Heb. 8:6 - more excellent ministry - mediator of a BETTER covenant - the NEW

B.    Heb. 8:7f - quotes from Jer. 31:31-35

C.    Heb. 9:15 - He IS the mediator of the new testament - that those called under the FIRST testament might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

D.    Heb. 13:20 - the blood is of the everlasting covenant.


3.    Heb. 1:1 -

4.    Heb. 7:11-12

a.     changing of the law -  because of change of priesthood!

b.    an 'annulling' of the commandment -- vs. 18

c.     BETTER testament / better hope / by which we draw near to God…


5.    Problem of early church


a.    Acts 15:

1.    circumcised AND keep law of Moses -- 15:5

2.    a 'yoke' -- unable to bear  vs. 10

3.    WE gave no such commandment -- vs. 24 --


b.    Romans 7:

1.    we are FREE from THE LAW - vs.3

2.    We are DEAD to THE LAW - vs. 4

3.    We are DELIVERED from THE LAW - vs. 6

4.    WHAT LAW - the one that taught ‘thou shalt not covet’ - vs. 7


c.     2 Cor. 3:1-18

1.    Old law vs. NEW Testament (vs. 6)

2.    Old was to be ‘done away’ - vs 6,11,

3.    End = to be abolished, vs. 13


d.    Eph. 2:14-19

1.    Christ ‘broke down’ the dividing wall - the law of commandments contained in ordinances…

2.    Christ broke it down by abolishing the enmity - the law….


e.    Col. 2:

1.    Complete IN Christ -  8-10

2.    took away handwriting of ordinances -- nailed to cross


f.     1 Cor. 9:20-21

1.    To those under THE LAW (Jews) - became ‘as’ - BUT-


a.     though KJV omits - is in most Greek mss. Cp -

3.    To those w/- the law - as one without the law -



g.    Gal. 3:24ff -

1.    was a ‘schoolmaster’ to bring us to Christ -

2.    NOW that Christ HAS come - not UNDER the schoolmaster (the law).


6.    Consequences

a.     Paul used such argumentation -  Gal. 5:


b.    NO ONE today even attempts to keep it all --